Tradução & Definição

(a) rare (steak): (um bife) mal-passado adjective
rare: raro adjective


  • "Today we have an excellent collection of Eastern European art, including some very rare avant-garde paintings and sculptures."
  • "It's so rare that we actually meet with each other outside the boardroom. How about a cold glass of Seamus Dog Whiskey?"
  • "Our charismatic and handsome leader has granted us the rare privilege of visiting him in his humble palace."
  • "Waitress : Here you are gentlemen, one rare steak with fries for you, and a plate of mashed potatoes for you."
  • "Same : Rare, please."
  • "We are going to have steaks... rare, please."
  • "Two rare steaks, one with fries, one with mash."
  • "A rare Siberian tiger named "Shoshana" escaped from her pen at the San Francisco zoo yesterday night and attacked a crowd of seven teenagers who had been insulting her, seriously injuring all seven of them. An eighth person, a six year old boy named Timothy Aldridge, was licked by the tiger, and later said the tiger's tongue felt "like sandpaper" and that her breath smelled like "muffins"."
  • "Donna : Unfortunately, this is going to be one of the rare meetings here at Delavigne that won't include alcohol, but I do have some nice biscuits."

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