Tradução & Definição

(apple) juice: suco (de maçã) noun


  • "Donna : I'll have a tomato juice please."
  • "Donna : A tomato juice."
  • "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."
  • "We do have a wide selection of beverages: red wine, white wine, vodka, whiskey, cognac, apple juice, orange juice, ginger ale, soda, even Fresca."
  • "Monday : Eyewitnesses claim to have seen the diminutive juice magnate on the beaches of St."
  • "Bruno : Well, I'll have a tomato juice then, I guess."
  • "(NASDAQ: IFC) and privately-owned American juice boutique Miracle Juices enter their 85th straight hour, the Peking Duck has obtained an exclusive transcript of a portion of the bargaining sessions."
  • "I always have tomato juice when I fly."
  • "We do have a wide selection of beverages: red wine, white wine, vodka, whiskey, cognac, apple juice, orange juice, ginger ale, soda, even Fresca."
  • "Bruno : Brent, I'm happy to say that we have in fact reached an agreement with the International Fruit Concern, and that Miracle Juices now belongs to them."

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