
tidy: neat, orderly, clean, organized adjective
Icarus likes to keep his office tidy. He makes sure everything is put back in the correct place after he's used it.
to tidy up: to put things in order, to put things in their place, to clean verb
I'm going to tidy up the house today. There are things everywhere so I'm going to arrange everything in its proper place.

UK: A tidy house means a tidy mind.
US: I hate tidying up my bedroom.
  • "I am very clean and tidy and respectful of others' space and privacy."
  • "Bob probably needs to tidy up a bit, Horatio should do his best to stay sober for a few days and Luna may want to extinguish a few of her candles."
  • "tidying up after your spoiled daughter;"
  • "Your space is tidy, well-organized, and architecturally stimulating, much like yourself."

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